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How to install capturesco for scanning extension?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making


I am very new into alfresco and want to install capturesco for scanning extension. but can't find any installation guide for this extension. Can someone help please.


Vinutha M P


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

There are too many add-ons and third-party products to expect us to know them all, so you might provide a link to provide context.

Also, as this is a general Alfresco forum you probably should be asking the developers of the third-party product how to do the install.

With that said, hopefully your add-on was provided as an AMP (Alfresco Module Package). Typically there are two: One for the "repository" tier and one for the "share" tier. Copy the repository (sometimes labeled "platform") AMP into /opt/alfresco/amps and the Share one into /opt/alfresco/amps_share (where /opt/alfresco is your Alfresco install directory), then run /opt/alfresco/bin/

More on installing AMPs can be found in the docs.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ


SVP vous pouvez m'indiquer le lien de téléchargement de capturesco pour Alfresco 5.2 ?

As previously mentioned, there are partner adds and other options (Alfresco Capture - paid subscription) to answer your question.