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How to get the datalist from alfresco database?

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Hi All, 

We have this request to create a report to compare Alfresco Site's data VS. Our own System Data. And now what we aim is get the list of file names or data under sites then insert it to outside DB(Oracle or MySql),  but the problem is we have no idea where to start yet. We are still on research phase and hoping that we can find better way to call or retrieve information from Alfresco.


what API could be the best option for this?? but we have no idea yet on how.


Below showing Files from PIMS:METRO CARMEN Site - Document Library. File that we want to retrieve from the Site.


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Star Collaborator


You could recover this information using CMIS, but anyway there are any other options.

Using the CMIS Workbench with Alfresco | Alfresco Documentation 

Apache Chemistry - CMIS Workbench 

Other option is using "Node Browser" (http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/admin). You can execute a query on an specific space (in my case: 8878a6a9-c525-4180-9252-6c85bd2f6d43).

Node browser query



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Star Contributor

Thank you sir Smiley Happy

Jose Angel Gonzalez Calvo‌ hi sir jose, can u teach me how to query all child name, child content inside that node?

im using this query to get to the folder, but after searching, it will go directly to cm:comments & fm: discussion all i need is to display all the pdf file

SELECT cmisSmiley SurprisedbjectId,cmis:name,cmisSmiley Tongueath FROM cmis:folder WHERE CONTAINS('PATH:"//app:company_home/st:sites/cmSmiley Tongueims-metro-carmen/cm:documentLibrary/cmSmiley Very HappyENZ50//*"')

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Star Collaborator


Maybe you can use CMIS Workbench:

Apache Chemistry - CMIS Workbench 

Additional information about cmis:

Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) Version 1.1 

In my local Alfresco something like this:

SELECT cmisSmiley SurprisedbjectId, cmis:name FROM cmis:document  WHERE CONTAINS('PATH:"//app:company_home/st:sites/cm:netic360/cm:documentLibrary/cm:Facturas/*"') 



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Star Contributor

Thanks sir