07-03-2020 03:49 AM
Im using an older version of alfresco 4.2 . Is it possible to extract list of all folder rules applied on each site in alfresco via metadata? or any other way?
07-03-2020 06:09 AM
You can use the query alfresco-fts :
TYPE:"cm:folder" AND ASPECT:"rule:rules"
it return all folders that have rules
07-03-2020 06:57 AM
Thanks a lot for your response. can I use this in a url or database? Actually Im more of a frontend engineer rather than developer
08-26-2020 04:58 AM
Hi oounoughi,
thanks for the info.
How can I find where a specific rule is being applied?
Using the search query below I get the list of folders.
Ideally I would like a list of rules and then the folders where each is applied, or at least be able to find where a specific rule is applied.
Thank you 🙂
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