03-10-2019 07:23 AM
I'm trying to deploy Activiti Cloud Example on Minikube. But I cannot access it via browser.
OS/Middleware | Version |
Host OS | MacOS Mojave |
minikube | v0.35.0 |
kubernetes | v1.13.4 |
helm | v2.13.0 |
$ git clone https://github.com/Activiti/activiti-cloud-charts$ cd activiti-cloud-charts/activiti-cloud-full-example
$ minikube start --disk-size=40g --memory=10000 --cpus=4 --vm-driver=hyperkit
$ minikube addons enable ingress
$ sudo vi /etc/hosts
<result of minikube ip> activiti-cloud-gateway.default.activiti.example.com (add left info to hosts file)
$ kubectl apply -f helm-service-account-role.yaml
$ helm init --service-account helm --upgrade
$ helm repo add activiti-cloud-charts https://activiti.github.io/activiti-cloud-charts/
$ helm repo update helm install --name example activiti-cloud-charts/activiti-cloud-full-example \
--set global.gateway.domain=activiti.example.com
Expected: Container created successfully and can access via browser
Actual: Container created and access it via browser successfully. But I saw error message below and cannot create new project.
Is there any missing setting?
It is very helpful to have advice.
08-25-2019 01:41 AM
It was constructed by using the nip.io address for the domain.
--set global.gateway.domain=<nip.io wildcard DNS address>
08-25-2019 01:41 AM
It was constructed by using the nip.io address for the domain.
--set global.gateway.domain=<nip.io wildcard DNS address>
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