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How to Create the dynamic start form for Alfresco Process Services process on the custom Dashlet of Alfresco Content Services?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I have created custom Dashlet which lists all APS processes which a user can start. For which I have used the REST API: GET /alfresco/service/activiti/alfresco/process-definitions.

On clicking the process on Dashlet I will call REST API: GET /alfresco/service/activiti/alfresco/form-field-definitions, which gives JSON response which contains the start form field values. I want to generate the dynamic start form and start the process.


Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

Can you make the quesation more specific than that? What have you already tried to do? Where are you stuck? What documentation have you tried to follow? How familiar are you with Dashlet / Alfresco Share development?

My answer at this moment would simply have to be: "By developing custom code that takes the JSON response and generates the form." - which likely doesn't really help you...