11-27-2017 08:26 AM
i have a set of action/handler create on 3.x version and i would like use this. But with alfresco 5.x 'run action wizard' not exist. I have see many post but always talk about run by rules. In my case is it not good, user need to launch from button/menu but i don't see code or just call to run action.
Have you an idea?
best regards
12-11-2017 12:09 AM
i have try many code with AlfMenuItemMixin without succes. I cannot get display, alle menu is display without this entry :
if (headerMenu != null) {
logger.log("find HEADER_APP_MENU_BAR");
name: "alfresco/menus/AlfMenuBarPopup",
config: {
label: "header.menu.actions.label",
widgets :[
id: "HEADER_ACTION_inline-editable_BUTTON",
name: "alfresco/menus/AlfMenuItemMixin",
id: "HEADER_ACTION_inline-editable_BUTTON",
label: "header.item.inline-editable",
iconClass: "delete-16",
propertyToRender: "title",
altText: "??",
publishTopic: "ALF_CRUD_POST",
publishPayloadType: "PROCESS",
publishPayload: {
requiresConfirmation: true,
url: "share/proxy/alfresco/api/actionQueue",
confirmationTitle: "Launch action",
confirmationPrompt: "Are you sure you want to launch '{title}'?",
successMessage: "Successfully launch '{title}'"
publishPayloadModifiers: ["processCurrentItemTokens", "convertNodeRefToUrl"]
Have you an idea of my error?
12-11-2017 04:14 AM
I did not say to literally use "alfresco/menus/AlfMenuItemMixin". The "alfresco/header/AlfMenuItem" you used initially is an extension of "alfresco/menus/AlfMenuItemMixin" and as such supports publishing events. So, simply use "alfresco/header/AlfMenuItem" and configure that with the publish topic etc.
Note that "propertyToRender" is inapplicable to any element in a menu. You also cannot expect "processCurrentItemTokens" to work, because the header menu does not have a "currentItem" state variable.
I can only advise to work through the Aikau tutorial and to use the JSDoc of the modules to better understand them.
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