03-29-2017 01:40 PM
Using Community Edition 201702 I have set up SOLR 6 and according to the SOLR management interface do get an index built. However, searching from Share does not return any result.
It also shows a warning "Alfresco is running without Share Services. See your System Administrator for more details.". Nevertheless in the Tomcat log file it says "INFO [org.alfresco.repo.module.ModuleServiceImpl] [http-nio-8443-exec-6] Starting module 'alfresco-share-services' version 5.2.0."
Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?
03-29-2017 03:26 PM
For the warning "Alfresco is running without share services ... " you need to apply alfresco-share-services amp to alfresco.war. See this thread-
03-29-2017 03:43 PM
Hi Mansha, thanks a lot for the suggestion, however the share services amp file is applied to alfresco.war (see start message above), that's why I am puzzled.
MMT-Tool shows
Module 'alfresco-aos-module' installed in '/srv/tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war'
- Title: Alfresco Office Services Module
- Version: 1.1.5
- Install Date: Wed Mar 29 21:47:22 CEST 2017
- Description: Allows applications that can talk to a SharePoint server to talk to your Alfresco installation
Module 'alfresco-share-services' installed in '/srv/tomcat/webapps/alfresco.war'
- Title: Alfresco Share Services AMP
- Version: 5.2.0
- Install Date: Tue Mar 28 14:31:20 CEST 2017
- Description: Module to be applied to alfresco.war, containing APIs for Alfresco Share
03-29-2017 05:30 PM
Finally, part 1 is solved: Needed to configure solr.host, solr.port and(!) solr.baseUrl in alfresco-global.properties. The latter one I could not find in the documentation for SOLR 6. Now search works again.
Which leaves the weird Share services open...
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