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How add a new dojo filter on the project "Alfresco better trash management"?

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

Hi, I have successfully integrated the alfresco-better-trashmanagement  project made from Axel faust , but now I need to add two more filters, one to filter for documents deleted by a specific user (a input text is enough) and one to filter documents deleted from a specific site (a input text is enough).

Not being a dojo expert, I am completely lost.

Can anyone help me out or show me an example to use as a starting point for this use case?

SOLVED: It was pretty simple because i just copy and paste the code of Axel for add a text field and manage the java code on the server.


Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

Hi - interesting to know that there is some use of / interest in that project. And also great to know you were able to solve your problem using the existing code as a reference. But I hope you are aware that this is very much an experimental project that is far from complete. Since there were more pressing needs in other areas of Alfresco, I did not continue to work on it after a couple of hack-a-thon events, and focussed more on the Order of the Bee Support Tools. I currently do not have plans to revisit / complete that project, and may instead integrate some trash management functionality in that support tools project at some point, given that Share as a client is sort-of on its death bed.