07-18-2018 07:26 AM
I have a test project in Eclipse generated with maven archetype (allinone option).
I followed some tutorial on webscript in alfresco platform.
The example work fine but unfortunately the hot reloading ( configuration) of freemarker template or javascripts file does not work.
Hot reload of regular java class, also work fine, but hot reload of other resource does not work.
I can see (in the console) the hotswap message:
message Watch event 'ENTRY_MODIFY'
but when I try to test non change I do not see any changes.
For every small change (except java changes), I am forced to perform the whole procedure
clean install -DskipTests = true alfresco: run
I would appreciate your suggestions to solve the problem before starting with a serious development project.
Thank you for your help!
Best regards.
07-18-2018 07:31 PM
I #solved the problem!. Follow the solution (for others with the same problem).
1. I followed Using HotSwapAgent | Alfresco Documentation
2. Setup a new AllInOne project whit eclipse
3. Check patch the JVM whith DCEVM (Quick Start | HotswapAgent ) but is ok
4. Setup in Eclipse a new Maven Build "Run Configuration" whith goal
clean package -DskipTests=true alfresco:run
VM arguments:
-Xms256m -Xmx2G -javaagent:[PATH_TO_HOTSWAP_AGENT]/hotswap-agent-1.0.jar -XXaltjvm=dcevm
In previous configuration I had used "hotswap-agent-core-1.3.0.jar" because the "hotswap-agent-1.3.0.jar" library did'nt work (a handful of exceptions after launch). I this case Alfresco doc. suggests to use 1.0 version of agent.
I think this was the main problem!
5. Create a new configuration file named "hotswap-agent.properties" in the folder $PLATFORM_PROJECT_FOLDER/src/main/resource whith only the following line
6. Run the Maven Build (prepared before: step 4)
7. The All-In-One project contains an HelloWorld Web Script implemented in Java and JS. Point the browser to http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/sample/helloworld and we can see messages from Java and from JS.
Now I can edit and hot-reload: Java class (HelloWorldWebScript), FreeMarker file (helloworld.get.html.ftl), Javascript file (helloworld.get.js).
When I save on eclipse the hot-reload happens immediately and I can see the changes on the browser !!
Thank you to Krutik for help.
07-19-2018 02:46 AM
Thats's great....
Adding further information for future reference....
In SDK 2.2.0 alfresco was using spring loaded for hot swap....(Rapid Application Development in Eclipse (Hot reloading) | Alfresco Documentation )
In SDK 3.0 , (which is mentioned above) is using hot swap agent for hot reloading...(Using HotSwapAgent | Alfresco Documentation )
03-02-2021 07:38 AM
Thank you for sharing the solution. I was also finding the solution and got here.
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