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Hi All, I need to implement only the digital signature part

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Hi All, I need to implement only the digital signature part in my existing project. I have installed Alfresco server and able to implement digital sign there. But I don't need other features like sharing, commenting...etc. All the documents in my existing project should sign by the user. Can anyone give an Idea for that?  Basically, I want to show a list of documents with only one option called sign.


Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Are you considering to create an ADF application based in ACA to include your signature only action?

Something like this:

Hyland Developer Evangelist

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I was implemented with following GitHub project information

GitHub - zylklab/alfresco-sinadura: Protocol based digital signature for Alfresco 5 

I don't want whole alfresco UI except the 'sign with sinadura' link in my existing another project. i.e with one click signature process should start with sinadura by opening a document from the particular location in the server or from the database and able to sign & store back in any particular location or in the database. we have already implemented our own application where a user has to sign. 

Can anyone give a suggestion to implement this?

If what you want is to keep using Share, but want it to be simplified, then you should get the following project as a starting point. GitHub - keensoft/alfresco-simplify-share: Share customisation to hide elements from Document Librar... 

Angel Borroy‌ is the author.

Thank you all for replying and suggesting this. I will check with the given links. 

Actually, I don't even want to use Document Share. I just need to sign a document in my existing web project. 

Can anyone help me in that? 



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Hi All,

Can anyone help me to find Sinadura Cloud source code?