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Having trouble with Google docs and PDF signature

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Hi there, 

My name is Martin, Im writing from Argentina.

I've installed 4.2 alfresco on Ubuntu 18.04 VM (virtual box) so I can test the workflow and other stuff.

Im having trouble with two things:
1) Can't edit anything with google docs. I dont know if there is something Im missing or didn't intalled.
2) How can I sign documents? I dont need Digital signature, just a way to sign them when a user needs it. 

Any help will be much appreciated.



World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Hi @Martinvaz & welcome to Alfresco!

e-sign - there' are several add-ons, including:

I can't say if any are compatible with 4.2, which is quite old (current is 6.2)

Google docs integration is covered in Are there any errors in the logs, user interface, etc?


Digital Community Manager, Alfresco Software.
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Hello Eddie!

My bad, I've installed 5.2 on Ubuntu 18.04.

Those plugins placed on github, for me to install, do I have to clone the repository?
Because what I need is not a digital signature, but when a document goes through management they can sign with first and last name. Let's say I need an option that says "sign document". Is this possble or is it the same that you told me?


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Hi @Martinvaz,

No worries - I'm still tripping over the version numbering!

Does the document actually need signing - a visible signature? If not, you could use workflow & rules to add metadata to a document that has been approved. There's already the approval workflow out of the box & you could use a rule to apply an aspect or similar to add the "approved by" metadata to the document. 


Digital Community Manager, Alfresco Software.
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Hi @EddieMay 

Yes, as you mentioned, the documents needs a visible signature (first name, last name, position yçin the company)
Eg: Martin Vazquez

Don't know where, but checking the internet saw an option that said "PDF SIGNATURE"
Is there a way for this? 
I mean that every time a user receives a document and has to edit or do something, they already have their signature incorporated

PS: what is that metadata rules you mean?


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Hi @Martinvaz 

PS: what is that metadata rules you mean?

In Alfresco you can add additional metadata to a document using an aspect - you can create your own custom aspects (a "signature" ascpect which could include first name, last name, role, postion, date, etc) - and then you can use rules to attach this aspect to a document. For example, you could create a rule that said when a document has been approved through the approval workflow, place it in a certain folder - say a folder owned by the person who approved the document. On that folder a rule could add an aspect to the document that took the folder owner's data to populate metadata - in effect, "signing" the document. The "signature" would be visible in the Share properties pane (outside of Share the signature would only be visible if the user looked at the metadata - it wouldn't be watermarked on the document, for example).

Jeff Pott's developer series has lots about aspects and rules =>

Have a good weekend,

Digital Community Manager, Alfresco Software.
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HI @EddieMay , hope you had a great weekend

I was reading the metadata link, but I didn't understand how to create a rule to sign PDF's with custom aspects
Not quite sure where to begin 😕

Don't want to be a pain in the as* but if you could give me a hand guiding me through it'll be much appreciated.

PS, this was the guide i've followed, more precisely this link:

Im running 5.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 irtualbox.


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Hi @Martinvaz,

Please don't worry about asking for help - that's why I'm here!

Let's take a step back. How are the pdfs created? Are they uploaded or are they transformed from documents existing in Alfresco (word, etc)? If they are uploaded, then you can extract certain metadata dring the ingestion into Alfresco - the default pdf metadata is here - 

If you want to extract custom metadata (like job title) then you will need to extend the extractor -

If it's the latter - pdfs are the result of Alfresco transformation - let me see if I can create something locally that I could share. It will take a couple of day as I'm a little stretched at the moment. Or perhaps someone else might jump in. Either way I'll try to get something asap. That said, any metadata "signature" that you add using this method will only be visible within Alfresco in the "properties" pane - it won't be displayed on the pdf outside of Alfresco.


Digital Community Manager, Alfresco Software.
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@EddieMay thanks for your help!

But my plans have now changed haha.
What I've been asked now is digital signature.

Yesterdary I downloaded the amp and amp_share file from a github repo, but it crashed the app since they were built for 4.2 and I'm running 5.2.

I'll look up for amp and amp_share version for 5.2 and try to install them on their respective directories, but there are several documents that confuses me, cause they mention editing Tomcat, .war files and Im completely lost haha

So i'll try to figure out the way to look for 5.2 amp and amp_share

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator


I'd recommend raising an issue on the github page - there might be some similar posts here in the Hub you could look at?

Good luck!

Digital Community Manager, Alfresco Software.
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