08-18-2017 03:02 AM
Hi, please help.
I searched information in the Internet but no success. I have the following challenge.
How I can get a list of workflows relating to a user by simple JavaScript script (which we plan to use as rule in future). If possible please provide a full source code.
I know how to get a list of workflows by RESTful:
but I do not know how we can call it from simple JavaScript ?!
I tried to use "remote" object in JavaScript Console (by Florian Maul) but system reported the "remote is not defined":
var url = "http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/api/workflow-instances";
var json = remote.call(url);
I also know how to get a workflow relating to some file(s) but that's not what I'm looking for:
var docNodeRef = "workspace://SpacesStore/c86cbdb5-6bbc-4a30-8c8d-be610bee4a63";
var theDocument = search.findNode(docNodeRef);for each(wf in theDocument.activeWorkflows)
So I need to get a list of all workflows relating to a some user by simple JavaScript script from user session. We plan to place this script file in "Repository -> Data Dictionary -> Scripts" and use it in Alfresco' Rule.
Thank you very much in advance for any help!
Best regards,
08-18-2017 07:36 AM
I don't know this is exactly which you are looking. but I have worked on workflow in javascript. So putting some snippet.
You can try few.
var wf = workflow.getAssignedTasks();
for (var w = 0; w < wf.length; w++) {
a = "activiti$" + wf[w].properties["bpm:taskId"];
if (a == activitiId) {
var workflowUsers = wf[w].properties["xxx:relatedUsers"].split(',');
if (workflowUsers.indexOf(user.properties.userName) > -1)
activiti = true;
var task = workflow.getTask(activitiId);
08-18-2017 09:02 AM
Dear Ratik,
I have checked there is no possibility to get a list of tasks assigned by a user to others by JavaScript API.
In any way Thank you very much for your answers!
Best regards,
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