06-12-2018 01:47 PM
The Gallery Plus dashlet was developed for the 2011 Alfresco dashlet challenge by Florian Maul and is part of fme's extensions gallery. It is an image gallery dashlet that features a thumbnail view, an albums view and an popup dialog with an image preview. Features: The thumbnail view
The album view:
Screencam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtzGvTRXt24 For more information and updates follow @fme_alfresco on Twitter or visit our Google+ page: https://twitter.com/#!/fme_alfresco https://plus.google.com/113188782603492544202 For all of our other Alfresco extensions visit: http://alfresco.fme.de/
Owner | alfresco@fme.de |
Versions | Community 3.4.x Community 4.0.x Enterprise 3.4.x Enterprise 4.0.x |
License Type | Apache |
Project Page | |
Download Page | |
Tags | Dashlet Challenge |
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