06-05-2017 08:53 AM
I'm trying to display a custom form using Alfresco.util.PopupManager.displayForm() however I'm having an issue trying to use my own form processor. It works without a hitch if I use the itemKind: "type", so the type processor but if I try to use my own "adduser" processor it just shows a blank form.
title: "Select Users",
mode: "create",
itemKind: "adduser",
itemId: "scwf:adduser",
showCancelButton: "false"
fn: function()
// do something if successful
scope: this
successMessage: "Update of node " + workflowid + " was successful.",
fn: function()
// do something if failure
scope: this
failureMessage: "Update of node " + workflowid + " failed."
The form is defined in xml and I know that my processor is correctly registering because I can see log messages in the console, here is my generate() code in the form processor.
public Form generate(Item item, List<String> fields, List<String> forcedFields, Map<String,Object> context){
//we are going to fool it into thinking it's generating a type form, then switch the url under it
//Form f = super.generate(item, fields, forcedFields, context);
Form f = new Form(item);
Item formItem = f.getItem();
Object itemData = makeItemData(item);
FormCreationData data = new FormCreationDataImpl(itemData, forcedFields, context);
populateForm(f, fields, data);
FormData de = new FormData();
de.addFieldData("assoc_scwf_assignees", "");
f.addField(new PersonField(KEY1_FORM_FIELD, "Attribute key1 - mandatory", "Key1", true));
logger.debug("Ye: " + f.getItem());
return f;
}protected Object makeItemData(Item item) {// Return the attribute item with optionally the value set
return item;
This code is suppose to be generating a form that looks like the xml definition:
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="scwf:adduser">
<show id="scwf:assignees" force="true" />
<set id="" appearance="title" label-id="workflow.set.general" />
<set id="items" label="Document" />
<set id="other" label="Review Outcome" />
<set id="assignee" label-id="workflow.set.assignees" />
<set id="response" label-id="workflow.set.response" />
<field id="scwf:assignees" label-id="workflow.field.reviewers" set="assignee">
<control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/authority3.ftl">
<control-param name="compactMode">false</control-param>
<control-param name="forceEditable">false</control-param>
So in other words it just needs to contain one field, the authority.ftl field (in this case I modified it via form control). What am I doing wrong?
06-05-2017 02:13 PM
Solved this by doing the following:
Error was "please provide a namespace resolver" when using super.generate(). This is because in the code for the superclass it references the null value this.namespace.
I did not solve that issue and rather did a work around, I copied a lot of the code from the default form processor (stuff like getTypeItem(), generateDefaultFields(), makeItemData()...) and changed stuff as needed. The real key for me was that I needed to use fieldProcessorRegistry.buildField(fieldName, data); in order to use the xml file as a field definition.
After adding that and also for some reason needing to set
Item formItem = f.getItem();
Everything works as intended and I can safely override the default submit url to do my own parsing of the form results.
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