02-08-2021 07:51 AM
Hello ,
I am trying insert a custom field inside document properties.I create a new custom model inside alfresco ui.
Then i create the custom type and the layout like the screenshots.
When i am trying to upload a file with the custom model and the custom type , i don't get any error but i can not fill the custom property.
Can anyone help me with ?
02-08-2021 09:57 AM
In the Share form you added "crmuser" instead "cgm:crmuser".
02-08-2021 10:11 AM
I think i must connect my cmis code with this custom type .
Correct ? So i am trying to add it in Properties like that :
'properties2.put("cgn:crmuser",uploadDocumentRequest.userName) ; ' .
where do you think I'm wrong?
02-09-2021 03:16 AM
In there it is correct. What Angel refers to is the form configuration - there you have added a field for crmuser instead of cgn:crmuser - so the issue may be as simple as showing a different (empty) field in Share and your value(s) might actually be set.
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