07-08-2019 07:42 AM
I'm trying to setup Libreoffice Online to work with Alfresco.
https://localhost:9980/loleaflet/d00c638/loleaflet.html?file_path=file:///usr/src/online/test/data/h... works ok and I've managed to set it up it so that I have a LibreOffice button in the document library but I am unable to open any documents. (Failed to read document from storage server).
In the logs I find:
wsd-23989-25902 2019-07-08 11:35:39.912244 [ docbroker_001 ] DBG Getting info for wopi uri [https://alfresco.****/wopi/files/cf55acb0-e182-48cb-9b1f-40439f91c15c?access_token=pjom9prc6l8rhaiv9khgt1dgra&access_token_ttl=1562250959204&permission=edit].| wsd/Storage.cpp:431
wsd-23989-25902 2019-07-08 11:35:40.030107 [ docbroker_001 ] ERR WOPI::CheckFileInfo failed with 404 Not Found| wsd/Storage.cpp:465
wsd-23989-25902 2019-07-08 11:35:40.058969 [ docbroker_001 ] ERR Failed to add session to [/wopi/files/cf55acb0-e182-48cb-9b1f-40439f91c15c] with URI [https://alfresco.****/wopi/files/cf55acb0-e182-48cb-9b1f-40439f91c15c?access_token=pjom9prc6l8rhaiv9khgt1dgra&access_token_ttl=1562250959204&permission=edit]: WOPI::CheckFileInfo failed| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:1093
The file I believe it should be loading is alf_data/contentstore/2018/9/4/9/34/02d003da-dfb6-4a0e-b020-5f536028bbaf.bin
My question is: should the file id cf55acb0-e182-48cb-9b1f-40439f91c15c match the filename 02d003da-dfb6-4a0e-b020-5f536028bbaf.bin or is there some conversion between the two.
How can I find out which file loolwsd is trying to load?
07-08-2019 11:12 PM
No, there is no such mapping between file id and the .bin file name.
You can definitely check the cm:content property (through node browser) to find its content store url which is pointing to the file in your alf_data.
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