04-18-2018 05:24 AM
Is this feature available on a 4.2f with the js-console addon ?
Thanks in advance
04-18-2018 07:44 AM
I have not tested this with 4.2.f myself, but I guess it should work, as the code base is the same for all version.
The one I use currently with 5.1 and 5.2 is the one from the following project: GitHub - share-extras/js-console: Administration Console component for Alfresco Share, that enables ...
Grab the source code, package it and give it a try.
04-18-2018 11:07 PM
Or simply download/install the public release from Maven Central....
04-19-2018 12:43 AM
Thanks Axel. I've installed the module with apply_amps.sh
Module 'de.fme.alfresco.JavascriptConsole-share' installed in '/data/alfresco/apache-tomcat-frontend/webapps/share.war'
- Title: fme Javascript Console Share Extension
- Version:
- Install Date: Thu Nov 09 16:05:26 CET 2017
- Description: Adminstration console module to execute arbitrary javascript code.
In Share I can see the "Use in Javascript console" action but not the "Dump in Javascript console"
04-19-2018 01:08 AM
I have installed the public release from Maven Central (0.6.0 version) and I have the dump action available.
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