01-03-2021 11:57 PM
Skytizens upgraded the Alfresco Record Management feature, which allows you to handle thousands of records by your PC with digital, physical, and hybrid approaches. No more full storage space, digitally combined with Alfresco storage. Boxes can be created with high-performance functionality. Declare records with metadata editor classifying its type. Realtime borrow and return a physical record as a queue with task approval. Each record contains a digital status bar showing availability. A smart record box displays storage location in a place that you never miss the transfer progress. Move records to the next storage location for archival. It can be simply scheduled for later automatic disposition by day, months, or years as needed. Save the amount of business value and time to be focusing on more tasks. Feature contained:
Owner | www.skytizens.com |
Versions | Enterprise 6.x |
License Type | |
Project Page | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kC1xUYNlSI www.skytizens.com |
Download Page | |
Tags | Document Warehouse Management, Document Storage Management, Records Management |
Component Type | Entire Solution/Application |
Extension Points | Custom |
Installation | JAR |
Products | Repository, Share Web Client |
Multiple Boxes Management
Borrowing Record at Cart
Add records into your cart for easy borrowing
Folder Structure with major management buttons
Warehouse Storage Location in place
03-06-2021 08:23 AM
compatible with ACS 6.2 community ?
03-07-2021 11:20 PM
Yes, It works with ACS 6.2 community, however, it is highly recommended on the Enterprise version for better performance.
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