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Disable/Enable action and rule with a properties file on alfresco/share

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

Hi, i want to know if is possible to disable a specific action or rule with a specific property true/false from a specific properties file like the, so when i stop and restart alfresco or share i can manage my customize action wihout involved changes on the permissions of the users.



World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator


Maybe defining a surf extension module for the defined actions, in configurations section, is enough for this case. This will allow you to hide/show action when the module is disabled/enabled. It is more dynamic than properties related.

Surf Extension Modules | Alfresco Documentation 



View answer in original post


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Can you give an example?

It will be easier to understand what you want to achieve, and then give you some ideas.

hi ty for response , for example i have three action myAction1 , myAction2 and myAction3 , i use these actions with all user without restriction based on the group or permission of the single user.

So now i have three alfresco machine and everyone has these actions, but for time to time i need to disable/enable these action for the single machine, for now i just remove the action java class i made  or install/uninstall the relative amp component,  but i want to take control of this for my reasons with some boolean value on some properties file like this for each alfresco machine :

#enable/disable myaction1


#enable/disable myaction2


#enable/disable myaction3


i just want to know if is possible to make alfresco read these properties and disable the relative actions before load the webapps alfresco and share.

ty in advance.

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator


Maybe defining a surf extension module for the defined actions, in configurations section, is enough for this case. This will allow you to hide/show action when the module is disabled/enabled. It is more dynamic than properties related.

Surf Extension Modules | Alfresco Documentation 



Hi Cesar, you are right indeed the Alfresco Surf extension seem to be the right path to follow,  i read the documentation and came up with this piece of code, i put for anyone have a similar problem or for any other suggestion:

File: tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/site-data/extensions/myaction1-extensions-modules.xml
            <id>Document Library Actions - My Action view</id>
                <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocLibActions">
                <!-- Action definitions -- >
                         <!-- My Action1 -->
                        <action id="myAction1" type="javascript" label="actions.myaction1">
                              < !--                              
                              Evaluator to disable My Action 1 for all users.
                              Using Evaluator, we can configure Actions to be visible or not in the UI
                              -- >
                              <evaluator negate="true">alfresco.myaction1.isLocked</evaluator>

File: tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/messages/

alfresco.myaction1.enable = false
alfresco.myaction1.disable = true
alfresco.myaction1.isLocked = false

File: tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/myAction1-context.xml

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<beans xmlns=""

     Define beans related to this Share extension here, such as
      evaluators and resource bootstrapping.

      Note. Any configuration related to the whole Share.war webapp
            (i.e. not specific to this share extension) should be
             placed in the tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/add-action-doclib-share-context.xml file
    <!-- Add module specific messages and labels -->
    <bean id="myAction1.resources" class="">
        <property name="resourceBundles">
                <!-- Load Properties : -->