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Digital signature in Restfull API

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Hi All,

We have developed a java application where it is dealing with documents as the part of it. 

Now we need to implement digital signature on it. I'm able to sign a document by using Sinadura 5 with Alfresco. 

But, I want to open a document which exists in my application with alfresco-sinadura to sign on it.

My Idea is to open a document in iframe where I want to load alfresco server just sign a document.

Can anyone help me in this? 

Thank you

Srinivas Patlolla


Star Contributor
Star Contributor

Hi Srinivas Patlolla

I could not understand the idea you mentioned but you can upload document in alfresco to digitally sign and use Alfresco for managing document. Your application can communicate to Alfresco using RestAPI.

Hope this will help.

Hi Jayesh Prajapati, 

Thank you for your quick response. Basically, I want to open a document from my web application for digital signature.  Can it possible to sign a document by using Alfresco RestAPI? Could you please give an example link for calling Alfresco Rest API?

Sorry if my English is not understandable.



If I understand correctly, you want to use Alfresco + Sinadura for digital signature. You are not using Alfresco for document management purpose. 

If my above understanding is correct, I would suggest you to check how Alfresco uses Sinadura for digital signature and write similar implementation in your java application. Here is the git URL for Signadura -5 for alfresco GitHub - zylklab/alfresco-sinadura: Protocol based digital signature for Alfresco 5