03-11-2021 09:48 AM
I want to ask, if it is possible, to delete an uploaded file in saperion automatically with saperion.
03-11-2021 10:54 AM
03-17-2021 10:31 AM
I got this link from the Hyland support after my question about saperion.
Perhaps a mistake of the Hyland support team.
This reminds me of the operation of Saperion.
03-18-2021 09:59 AM
Hi @compinaut
Try community.hyland.com & sign-in using your Hyland profile. You can then go to the Saperion Ecm forum.
03-18-2021 10:09 AM
now I'm as far as I was before. I cannot create a Hyland profile because the phone number is not accepted. That was my original question to support, which was answered by asking me to sign up for Alfresco.
What should I do now?
03-19-2021 07:56 AM
Hi @compinaut
Sorry if you've been bounced between forums, etc. I will contact you directly to see if we can resolve this matter.
Be in touch soon,
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