09-30-2020 02:18 AM
I'd like message notifiation of node events which I thought would be straightforward by listening to the ActiveMQ queue. But I can't find any information or documentation on this, does anyone have any experience or examples?
09-30-2020 12:24 PM
As far as I know alfresco community editon dose not support ActiveMQ to message queue yet.
10-01-2020 05:52 AM
Alfresco Community actually does support ActiveMQ for event processing, but as the original poster has noted, it is completely undocumented (even for Enterprise as far as I know), so barely any people are using it. Alfresco itself (in Community Edition as well as Enterprise) is the primary user of that functionality. E.g. the handling of thumbnail / rendition refresh after a content update is entirely based on the events queue since Alfresco 6.1, which is the reason that ActiveMQ is a technically required component in a Community deployment.
10-01-2020 10:18 AM
That sounds fairly promising though, thanks for the info. I've identified that Alfresco is using 5 different Alfresco topics:
So I'll set a consumer on each of those and view the messages that arrive as I upload files to a folder. Do any examples or blogs spring to mind that might help?
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