10-12-2022 07:17 AM
I get to work on an existing model, magda-model.xml
In magda-model.xml I created the aspect magda:test
<aspects> <aspect name="magda:test"> <title>Magda testing</title> <properties> <property name="magda:TestId"> <type>d:text</type> </property> </properties> </aspect> .... </aspects>
And set it mandatory with the type
<mandatory-aspects> <aspect>magda:test</aspect> <aspect>magda:customer</aspect> <aspect>magda:recipient</aspect> <aspect>magda:sender</aspect> <aspect>magda:payment</aspect> <aspect>magda:delivery</aspect> </mandatory-aspects>
in share-config-custom.xml I add the <visible>
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocumentLibrary"> <aspects> <!-- Aspects that a user can see --> <visible> <aspect name="magda:test" /> </visible> </aspects> </config>
In the <host>:8080/share I see the Magda Testing in the list
"Manage aspects"
But I can't see the properties with the file. All the other Magda aspects properties are visible. What am I missing here?
10-13-2022 02:19 AM
You need to define the Share form:
It's the same thing for TYPES and ASPECTS
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