11-03-2019 10:56 PM
Hi everyone,
In my workflow, I want to add Filter function same as below into the red area in the image:
▼ New Filter
New Filter Function1
New Filter Function2
Please show me documentation or please guide me.
11-04-2019 08:28 AM
The documentation is here: https://docs.alfresco.com/community/concepts/filtered-search.html. There is a configuration file that can be modified. If you also have access to Share, there is a 'wizard' for defining new search filters (https://docs.alfresco.com/community5.1/concepts/alfresco-tutorial-20.html).
11-05-2019 02:31 AM
Thank you for sending me the document!
10-04-2021 09:36 AM
These links are down, so if anyone would be still interested in the subject, here is the link: https://hub.alfresco.com/t5/alfresco-content-services-hub/custom-share-workflow-ui/ba-p/290971
In short: you can modify the my-tasks.get.config.xml file and add there your own filters.
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