10-28-2020 01:47 PM
Hi, I am a new user of Alfresco. I need to understand if it is possible to create a custom aspect and assign propertis as specified here: Create Customer Aspect but using rest API or CURL command?
I will be using the aspect to create rules on folders. That also has to be done using the rest API or Command-line as we have to turn off the shared service. Thanks
10-28-2020 05:24 PM
As far as i know, there are no API endpoints which lets you use model manager.
Reference to all V1 Apis can be found here: https://api-explorer.alfresco.com/api-explorer/#/
Even there are no repository apis that can help using the model manager.
If your goal is to create aspects and models for the purpose of handling rules/behaviors, i would recommend bootstrapping it.
If your requirement is that you create aspects and properties very frequently you can also use dynamic model deployment approach :
And manage them via admin console: https://docs.alfresco.com/5.2/tasks/adminconsole-modelconsole.html
Note that, you can make only incremental changes to the model.
For you specific use case, you can upload the model XML file to /Data Dictionary/Models folder using V1 Upload Rest API or Respository FileUpload API and then enable it via Is Active flag (cm:modelActive) of the content model via share ui or use admin console to activate/deploy the model.
Here are some list of api calls which can help you achieve what you are looking for:
1- Get the node id of /Data Dictionary/Models folder using below API call:
GET Model Folder Id : curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes/-root-/children?relativePath=Data%20Dictionary&skipCount=0&maxItems=100&alf_ticket=TICKET_f5cff7c76f7a87139f24dc0c6540dd1b57479552"
From the response grab the "id" which is the nodeRef id of Models folder.
{ "entry": { "createdAt": "2020-10-28T19:33:22.851+0000", "isFolder": true, "isFile": false, "createdByUser": { "id": "System", "displayName": "System" }, "modifiedAt": "2020-10-28T20:53:26.872+0000", "modifiedByUser": { "id": "admin", "displayName": "Administrator" }, "name": "Models", "id": "a9a9f477-5c57-11dc-ad6c-5136d620963c", "nodeType": "cm:folder", "parentId": "4de64712-954c-44b6-b439-890c1550bcc1" } }
2- Use the upload api to upload the model file into Data Dictionary/Models folder:
Upload model xml to Data Dictionary/Models: curl -X POST -F filedata=@pub-model.xml http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes/a9a9f477-5c57-11dc-ad6c-5136d620963c/children?alf_ticket=TICKET_f5cff7c76f7a87139f24dc0c6540dd1b57479552
3- Activate the model, grab the node id of the model xml from the upload response (see highligted in the url below):
Update cm:modelActive property
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"properties": { "cm:modelActive":true}}' 'http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes/1a8345f6-1b66-48b1-a581-1319f3d6bfbd?alf_ticket=TICKET_f5cff7c76f7a87139f24dc0c6540dd1b57479552'
You can also try uploading the model xml with cm:modelActive property using below api call if it works for you:
curl -X POST -F filedata=@pub-model.xml -F "cm:modelActive=true" http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes/a9a9f477-5c57-11dc-ad6c-5136d620963c/children?alf_ticket=TICKET_f5cff7c76f7a87139f24dc0c6540dd1b57479552
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