03-13-2019 02:03 AM
I am using alfresco for a long time. I scanned around 100,000 documents & uploaded into alfresco. But suddenly i faced a problem because it can't be read using it's content. If i scanned a document using a scanner having ocr then it can be. But, i don't have ocr on every scanner so i need to integrate OCR module into alfresco. I tried tesseract ocr & simple ocr, but both did not worked.
03-21-2019 04:07 PM
You can take this as base:
11-25-2021 01:54 AM
hi @anuradha1,
I am currently working on alfresco PDF OCR, I have installed the files as per the thread on Github and got the same result as the above image.
Now I am stuck at this point and don't know what to do further.
So I want to know that did you installed this on the windows platform and did it work?
If worked then can you tell me the steps which you have followed and is there any other addon for making pdf searchable on alfresco?
My system configuration is
Alfresco community edition 5.2
windows 10.
Thanks in advance.
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