10-19-2022 05:03 AM
Right now, I have three environments, two on docker and one on server. For this, I want to deploy similarly in this environment.
My problem, I can not ssh connection to ip:
ssh root@ ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
get ip:
docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' test-alfresco-1
docker exec -it test-alfresco-1 /bin/bash
not problem.
10-19-2022 05:51 AM
Docker / Docker Compose creates an internal network that is only accesible from containers.
So this 172.x ips cannot be accessed from your host.
Making changes in a container is not recommended (possible?), so I'm not sure why you want to access the container using ssh.
10-19-2022 01:15 PM
I want install amp ´s in enviroment. For this, I necesite connect with ssh, to replicate the enviroment.
10-19-2022 04:06 PM
For installing of amp use custom image by making Dockerfile.
For permanent tests use docker exec command without create bash session
docker compose exec alfresco java -jar alfresco-mmt.jar install example-amp.amp alfresco.war -verbose
or with creation bash session and run multiple commands.
docker compose exec -it alfresco bash
The second way is clouse to ssh session.
p.s. container is not a virtual machine
10-20-2022 03:09 AM
Thist I sabe. The problem, its connect ssh, and diferents sistems, with ssh.
10-20-2022 03:19 AM
You don't need to use SSH to install AMPS or JARS.
Take a look at this project to learn how to apply addons to Alfresco and Share Docker Images:
10-20-2022 05:04 AM
I have to equalize the environments, but the problem it´s alfresco docker don´t have ssh.
10-20-2022 05:22 AM
May you define the term "equalize"?
May you elaborate additionally on why SSH is a requirement for that?
10-20-2022 09:51 AM
I want equal´s deploy in diferents enviroments.
10-20-2022 11:55 AM
This is one of the main features of Docker Compose: deploying exactly the same version of services with the same customizations (addons, plugins, configuration...) in any environment.
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