01-21-2017 01:43 PM
We have a repository with about 2M documents.
We are trying to get list of documents that have a certain category (attribute) assigned.
I am using CMIS Workbench to connect to Alfresco
Each time I ran the simple select query I get different result set.
Attempt 1: 3185 results, 107 seconds
Attempt 2: 3065 results, 93 seconds
Attempt 3: 4197 results, 112 seconds
Attempt 4: 3003 results, 76 seconds
We should have close to 100K documents that fall within the category we are searching for.
Thank you
01-22-2017 05:25 AM
please Post your query here... and check if the query will run via Solr or database...
maybe there is a timeout / limit in Alfresco which prevents returning all results.
do you find anything in the repository log?
01-22-2017 11:16 AM
Our query is:
SELECT f.td:folderId, d.cmisbjectId, d.td:legacyId FROM
td:insuranceDocument AS d JOIN td:tagged AS t ON d.cmisbjectId =
t.cmisbjectId JOIN td:folderId AS f ON d.cmis
bjectId = f.cmis
WHERE t.td:folderTags = 'Images'
There is nothing in the alfresco.log when the query is run.
Thank you
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