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Citeck EcoS Journals

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Citeck EcoS Journals is developed for structuring the information which is displayed on the screen in tabular form. This module features allow to set finite data presentation flexibly. The choices and save filters, export data to various formats, group actions with selected items these are just a small part of the module features. In the module only one journal is set by default content displaying. But there is an opportunity to create unlimited number of journals.


  • Table structure and specified column displaying;
  • Filter creation and filter preservation;
  • Group actions with selected items;
  • Settings saving;
  • Data export in various formats;
  • Easy navigation through Journals;
  • Variation of journals presentation;

Technical realization

  • Journals are based on the search criteria. You can specify an unlimited number of search criteria in the type of displayed objects, their qualities, associations or path in the repository. All criteria will be combined by logical operator "AND".
  • Criteria search - is the Citeck development. The criterion consists of three parts - the field, the predicate, the value. The property, the association or the object type can be as a field. The predicate specifies about, how exactly need to compare the contents of the field and set value in the criterion (e.g., "greater or equal", "less or equal", "equal", "contain", “doesn’t contain”, "begins with", "ends with " etc.). All the criteria are combined into a single query lucene and accomplished with standard Alfresco mechanisms.
  • Criteria search reveals for user simple and functional filters that allow to add new criteria, without any knowledge of the search features of Alfresco.
  • Forms for filter values work through the standard forms of Alfresco and have unlimited potential for customization.
  • There are two types of criteria - the hidden and the user. Hidden criteria are established during the journal creation, and they do not displayed in the interface. User criteria are created by users in the "Filters" section.
  • Access: if user does not have an access to some objects in the system, these objects in journals wont be shown to him. You can also restrict access to the journal, and it will not be displayed.
  • The Journals list is a group of several journals. Every journal should belong to some list. The Journals list should belongs to a site or be global. If the The Journals list belongs to a site, it’s name is - site-siteName-journalListName, where is site – is a keyword, siteName – the name of the site which the journal list belongs to, journalListName – is the name of the journals list. If the journals list is global, it’s name is - global-journalListName.
  • When you create a journal, you can specify options for new objects creation (create-variants). It allows you to go from journals to the new objects creation quickly. In the creation variant are indicated: the variant headline, the type of creating object, id of the creation form, the location of the new object (where it should be placed).
  • To create a journal, you need (* marked necessary actions) • Create a journal object (via bootstrap or via journal settings) * • Add at least one criterion in the journal (via bootstrap or via journal settings) * • Add the columns configuration of the journal * • Add the journal at Journals list (via bootstrap or via journal settings) * • Add options for the new objects creation (via bootstrap or via journal settings) • Create a folder for the new facilities (via bootstrap or via journal settings)
  • . Configuration fields in the journal table are made in the journal-list.xml configuration file. There is possibility to specify a list of columns displayed in the journal, to indicate which columns should be shown by default and indicate the method of formatting (for example, specify the necessary format for date display).

Formatting of the cells. In journals there is an opportunity to write formatters on javascript, which can change the displayed data in the cells arbitrarily. Thus it is possible to ensure the field- associations become references to the object cards which they represent, or apply random styles.

To learn more about Journals solution, visit

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Also you could download the Community version of Citeck EcoS, read tutorial and wiki here -

Citeck EcoS Community binaries available for download here - 

Community 4.2.x

Community 5.0.x

Community 5.1.x

Enterprise 5.1.x

License TypeGNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL),Proprietary
Project Page 
Download Page
Tagsalfresco, journals, Citeck Ecios
Component Type
Extension PointsPublic API, Behavior, Content Model, Content Policy, Java Service Class, Javascript Root Scope Object, Share Web Script
ProductsRepository, Share Web Client
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