01-04-2019 05:31 AM
"Property 'sam:samCaseId' is a integer property. Expected type '<BigInteger, Byte, Short, Integer, Long>' but received a 'java.lang.String' property.",
I also tried to delete the property & create it anew with text data type, tried to delete the model & it still thinks it is an integer.
Hire is an example code I used to create new test file, add aspect & set property value to a string value:
01-04-2019 08:59 AM
The custom model manager is a playground tool not suitable for any serious use. It is good for some prototyping of models, but it is quite easy to shoot yourself in the foot, as you have done. Instead of using the model manager for custom models, I recommend using the proper data modelling approach.
From your description it sounds like you have not reenabled the model after switching to d:text. The likely reason why Alfresco treats the property as a text is that the old model configuration is still lingering in-memory. It may be overidden when you reactivate the model - provided you actually can. I am actually surprised you were able to deacivate the model at all after you had already used it - that should not have been possible unless you deleted every trace of its usage before (deleted the node and cleared the archive).
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