01-06-2022 01:46 AM
We are testing the speed of rebuilding index for alf_child_assoc, alf_node_properties and alf_node, but when we run:
REINDEX table alf_node_properties;
-- SQL Error [23505]: ERROR: could not create unique index "alf_node_properties_pkey"
Detail: Key (node_id, qname_id, list_index, locale_id)=(51060016, 28, -1, 1) is duplicated.
REINDEX table alf_node ;
SQL Error [23505]: ERROR: could not create unique index "alf_node_pkey"
Detail: Key (id)=(844) is duplicated.
usually the duplicated key can be very wrong in data modelling and any idea on how to get ride of it?
can it be the reason whenever an alfresco query require the IOIN of 2 x tables : alf_node_properties and alf_node, the query will be very slow ?
02-10-2022 11:23 PM
forget about that, it is the original data not good in condition! I do backup and restoer again and it is good.
02-10-2022 11:23 PM
forget about that, it is the original data not good in condition! I do backup and restoer again and it is good.
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