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Can't change folder description

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

I have a problem with my alfresco 5.2.0

I call obejctService.getObject method for this object with soapUI

Everything is ok.

Then I manually change description of folder in alfresco repo and call this method again

I can see in response that description changed.

Then I try to update properties of this folder with request.

I change name

And I can see changes in alfresco

And in get response

But when I try to update description, I can't see changes in alfresco, but in response I see new description

Can anybody help me with this problem?
Thank you.


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Can you try to access the same node using the Node Browser tool and see what is in there?

Thanks for answer, Douglas.

Here I can see that description is changed.

But there are no changes in NodeBrowser

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Check the aspects attached to the object.

The problem might be because the cm:description is defined in the cm:titled aspect.

If the aspect is not present, try to attach it using cmis and check if the property is added.

community-edition-old/contentModel.xml at master · Alfresco/community-edition-old · GitHub 

Here you can see a piece of Java code doing that:

Creating aspect-defined properties in CMIS with Alfresco · GitHub 

I do not know how to translated that into SOAP though.

Unfortunately cm:titled is attached

<aspects:aspects xmlns:aspects="" xmlns="">

Maybe it is important, the problem ocurs only with cmis:folder (or childrens of cmis:folder), if i try to do same things with image or document everything works great.

And I think problem is in aspects, because I can't change title and description, but I can change my custom property Folder:status if I create Folder:Folder (it is part of my custom model, child of cmis:folder)

And there is another one strange thing. If I try to do this on the same (but windows) version on alfresco on my local machine everything works great too, but when I try to do this on remote server (linux) I've got this problem.

Thank you for your attention to my problem)

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

cm:description is a multi-lingual text property. That means it can have multiple values for different locales. You may be updating / setting the value for one locale via CMIS but in the browser you are looking at a different locale value. You wouldn't even see the values for the other locale(s) in the Node Browser.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Yes, Axel, you are right as always!

I change language of my browser now and finally see changed description.

But I can't change language for all users of course)

So I should to disable multiligual in my alfresco.

I try to change customModel.xml and set cm:titled like this

<aspect name="cm:titled">
                <property name="cm:title">
                    <index enabled="true">
                <property name="cm:description">
                    <index enabled="true">

And restart tomcat after this, but there is no result.

Also there is a sys:localized aspect for this folder, maybe I should disable it? But I can't find any info about how to disable this aspect.

Thank you