06-15-2017 01:22 PM
I'm evaluating the "trail" version 1.6.1 of Alfresco Process Services and am trying to test out the Business Calendar. So far I'm not able to get it to work. I entered the lines below into the properties file then created a simple process with a User Activity set to a Due Date = "P3D". Starting the process it shows that task due in 3 days (Sunday). I'd expect it to bypass the weekend.
# Weekend days comma separated (day's first 3 letters in capital)
Not sure if I'm doing it incorrectly (probably) or not.
06-21-2017 08:54 AM
Hi Gary,
Regarding your issue, I assume you are talking about those settings:
Business Calendar settings | Alfresco Documentation
Unfortunately those settings are not working at the moment and the Alfresco documentation team was made aware to remove the related page. Nevertheless, you can implement your own business calendar by implementing the BusinessCalendarService as described here:
Business Calendar | Alfresco Documentation
A nice example from one of the Alfresco employees that would need some work to implement the mentioned BusinessCalendarService, which is taking US holidays into account, can be reviewed here:
activiti-examples/BusinessDaysCalculator.java at master · cijujoseph/activiti-examples · GitHub
I hope by following the provided documentation link and the example you are able to implement due dates as required.
Best regards,
06-21-2017 08:54 AM
Hi Gary,
Regarding your issue, I assume you are talking about those settings:
Business Calendar settings | Alfresco Documentation
Unfortunately those settings are not working at the moment and the Alfresco documentation team was made aware to remove the related page. Nevertheless, you can implement your own business calendar by implementing the BusinessCalendarService as described here:
Business Calendar | Alfresco Documentation
A nice example from one of the Alfresco employees that would need some work to implement the mentioned BusinessCalendarService, which is taking US holidays into account, can be reviewed here:
activiti-examples/BusinessDaysCalculator.java at master · cijujoseph/activiti-examples · GitHub
I hope by following the provided documentation link and the example you are able to implement due dates as required.
Best regards,
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