02-05-2020 06:46 PM
The bulk export fails on our installation with the following message:
ERROR [org.alfresco.extensions.bulkexport.Export] [http-apr-8080-exec-5] Error found during Export (Reason): org.alfresco.service.namespace.NamespaceException: A namespace prefix is not registered for uri http://www.alfresco.org/model/dod5015/1.0
The reason is that we had Retention Management installed on the system but it is not installed anymore (amps removed).
It seems the bulk export tool fails on exporting nodes where the RM namespace is assigned.
Is there any way aroung this?
My ideas are:
Any hint on this topic is greatly appreciated.
With kind regards
02-06-2020 03:15 AM
I guess the safer approach is to remove your RM data from your original Alfresco Repository.
If this is not an option, you can deploy DoD content model in your new Alfresco Repository.
02-06-2020 01:46 PM
Hi Angel,
I just called the Department of Defence, but they said they won't help me.
Just kidding.
I guess your suggestion is to create and register a model that could be resolved then for the given prefixes, right?
That would be the bests solution for me.
Is it possible to copy over the xml file(s) with the model definition from the RM AMPs and register them?
With kind regards
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