07-16-2019 05:36 AM
I want to block user to use My Files section. Actually they can acces to it and I want stop it, delete button or other ways
Thk a lot
08-08-2019 10:29 AM
First of all, you should override the following out-of-the-box package "org.alfresco.share.header" by your custom one.
To achieve that overriding, you should use surf module extension (for more info: https://docs.alfresco.com/5.1/tasks/dev-extensions-share-tutorials-custom-header-admin-menu.html).
And then, all what you have to do is add this line
widgetUtils.deleteObjectFromArray(model.jsonModel, "id", "HEADER_MY_FILES");
in your custom webScript controller "share-header.get.js"
That's all what you need to hide"MY FILES" from header.
Peace up,
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