What is the best approch to migrate the content from other systems to Alfresco Enterprise.
Could any one please provide the best approch for the File system content migration to Alfresco enterprise.Thanks,Shankar
Could any one please provide the best approch for the File system content migration to Alfresco enterprise.Thanks,Shankar
On the Admin tools there is a system performance page that we use to check the CPU utilization. I am trying to create a monitor page and want to use that information to mark my server up or down from routing if the server's CPU is pegged.Can I access...
Hi All,I am using spring boot activiti integartion in my app.I am facing a problem. I want the activiti table names to be created in lowercase by default. Is there any configuration way to make this happen? I have tried using ImprovedNamingStrategy o...
Hi,I have installed Alfresco Community Edition in Windows machine and trying to migrate the contents from SharePoint 2010 to Alfresco.How to download the OpenMigrate software for Windows platform? so far i couldn't find any link to download the softw...
I have three sites, uploader plus is working fine for two of them and for the third one, throws an exception and error pop up says "operation failure". uploader plus is working fine for the individual folders. but issue comes when we are applying th...
Hello,I need to convert the document to pdf after the Alfresco workflow approval process.I understand that I need to create a rule on the folder ("convert in pdf the document when it is approved"...) but I do not understand which criteria and what va...
please I need help!!!I want to obtain the Form Properties from a task with the task name_Is there a way to do that? Thanks for your time
Hi My activiti server accidentally shut down because of some reason. and so does Activiti.I am trying to restart again using the usual process but I am getting the following error.Please help. INFO 8/16/17 11:28 AM: liquibase: Waiting for changelog l...
There are certain types of associations that should have properties (attributes). I could not see a way to add attributes/properties to an association. Can you please confirm?
Hello,I'm trying to create a job in Alfresco that search documents created between a range of dates and send it automatically.From schedule-action-services-context.xml, I'm calling this Javascript file that tries to do a lucene query and send results...
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