What retry options does activiti allow?
What retry options/buttons does Activiti have in place? What can be done if an API fails or an attempt to publish status changes fails?
What retry options/buttons does Activiti have in place? What can be done if an API fails or an attempt to publish status changes fails?
I have encountered the following error while trying to run a unit test with eclipse: "There is no ID/IDREF binding for IDREF 'eventgateway3'" . While I have searched on the diagram I dont see a gateway, I do see it in the XML version. How can I fix ...
Process Definition:<userTask id="tskDivHeadReviewDoc" name="Division Head Review" activiti:formKey="nlcwf:frmReviewDoc"> <extensionElements> <activiti:taskListener event="create" class="xxx.KMAssignmentHandler" /> </extensionElements> </user...
Hi,I am trying with multi instance in parallel.I have employee collection and I need to iterate through it to calculate some payroll data for every employee. So I have created subprocess and passing this employee collection as in parameter.What I am ...
HiWe have one local repository.In this how to import the mass documents along with the metadata in alfresco.How can i do it?Please reply soon.Thanks.
Hi i have a little script for add a aspect and set some property:============================================================================// add the aspect to this document if it needs itif (document.hasAspect("conta:contatore")) { logger.log("...
I get the following error when i try to create site in Alfresco through REST API and create site option available in the menu."Can not get preferences for admin because there was an error pasing the JSON data"With the only difference site gets create...
How to import the bulk in alfresco.
Hello All,Nessus Scan Report found security Vulnerabilities, please find below report details.=====================================57608 (1) - SMB Signing DisabledSynopsisSigning is not required on the remote SMB server.DescriptionSigning is not requ...
Hi,I've a scheduled action which process a lot of nodes. In order to not rollback all process when there is an error on a node, i've planed to execute the process of each node in a new transaction (with the RetryingTransactionHelper) = One transactio...
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