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document.transformDocument() is giving null

I am trying to transform a jpeg file to pdf using document.transformDocument() in alfrescoI have placed the following code in a js file in repovar newdoc=document.transformDocument(application/pdf)logger.log("newdoc"+newdoc);but the value of newdoc i...

User task is automatically rejected

I am a newbie and currently using Alfresco newest community edition. I have been trying to recreate a simple review (approve/reject) task for later use. It is not a timed task. Once I assign the task, it is instantly rejected automatically.Inside my ...

tim1234 by Champ on-the-rise
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Custome date property is not null

Is there a way to check whether a custom date property is not null in an Alfresco rule? Would like to fire an action in case the content type is the specified one and one of the custom property is not empty. Managed to show the property, but I can on...

zputnoky by Star Contributor
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assign parallel generated task to multiple user

how to assign parallel generated task to multiple user?lets assume  start  a workflow which have a subProcess . Subprocess executed parallely. so when start subprocess then a userTask in subprocess assigne mutiple user. how can i do this. genre ted 

skverma02 by Confirmed Champ
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I created a new ADF application from scratch.I can not start it. Will output error alfresco@0.1.0 start /home/user/alfresco> npm run server-versions && npm run webpack-dev-server -- --config config/ --progress --content-base app/npm WA...

varlok by Confirmed Champ
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Modify a Alfresco's node from Activiti context

Hi, I have a problem with JavaDelegate class than not modify node on Alfresco Contexte.Details :With BPMN workflow (Task service) I call a JAVA CLASS which must modify aspect properties of a (Alfresco) document's Node.This Class running with success ...

gawel by Confirmed Champ
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Resolved! Create custom datalist in alfresco community 5.2

Hi,I am getting error while creating custom Custom Datalist in alfresco community 5.2Steps followed tep 1: Created CustomDataListModel.xml and put it inside the directory "\alfresco-community\tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\extension\". Step 2: Create...

anandhan by Star Contributor
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