JMX attribute to test Share is running
Hello,is there any attribute in JMX dump or function that can be started via JMX client that can tell me that Share is up and running or at least it's active?Thank you.Br, Vojta
Hello,is there any attribute in JMX dump or function that can be started via JMX client that can tell me that Share is up and running or at least it's active?Thank you.Br, Vojta
Hi everyone,I am using alfresco community 5.2 and windows 10. My requirement is to save document directly in alfresco by doing Save As from any windows application and rename it on the basis of certain criteria. To satisfy this, I have create a rule ...
HI,Need to get the sites with information on the number of files and folders within it and also the size of the site.Also is there any way /api to get the large 10 sites out of a repository.
HelloI make smart folders and i don't know how write query.I have three items.TYPE --> xxbchmlcenlivostTYPE --> xxbchobchodnidokumentASPECT --> xxbchtypdokumentuobchod:'Nabídka'I want smart folder, where i will see all documents which have xxbchmlcen...
HiI am trying to add the secondary properties (title,description) programmatically to a document in Alfresco using CMIS 1.1.Below is the code snippet of the, fileName); properties.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, "...
In my country there is no support for these products.I've disassembled the products, but I need a license, I have 30 daysIf the products are free, like everything else, can I get a license for a longer period.Alfresco Process Services 1.6 is installe...
I'm not able to log into the latest version of Alfresco Share (CE) with Google Chrome 62.0.3202.89 (Official Build) (64-bit). When entering the correct password, the page attempts to load something and then goes right back to the login page. I am abl...
Hello I have an issue about creating a link to a folder. I thought that I get the theory, but I miss something on the technical side:I my workflow the initiator chose a folder and the user have a link (the http link) in his task which allow him to ac...
Hello,I am asked to set a default workflowDueDate to the workflow I implement: in 10 work day after the current date.I already have a script to calculate this default date, my issue is to set this date.I saw 2 places where it can be down, but I need ...
Generally I want to upload new document with custom property. I have found solution how to do this. Firstly I need to create aspect with property and create rule that assigns aspect to new document. Next step is to set aspect property value to upload...
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