Problem with key value extraction
I have Created my batch class and want to make a key value extraction rule.But when I upload my file to try and set the rule, I don't see anything.
I have Created my batch class and want to make a key value extraction rule.But when I upload my file to try and set the rule, I don't see anything.
I have created my batch class. For some reason or another when I upload a batch and press start batch, I get following error: "Unable to upload batch. Please try again"
Hello.We have some cases where users would like to be able to add an user as a member of a site, but this user should not be able to see all the documents by default, like the Consumer role.The idea is to let such user to see only the "published" one...
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Hi Alfresco team Need option for the below items Case 1 : On passing list of object ids , can the api return the only the object ids with the corresponding associated workflow id Case 2 : On passing a folder id, can the map of object id with correspo...
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I Have hundred folders in my Alfresco Community, and now my problem is how to find a simple folder on a search field?My Alfresco is running in a Debian 8, can someone helps me?
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