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Resolved! Icon for Custom Action

I have added a custom action link in Document Actions. The link is working fine but I am not able to get the icon for the link.I have placed ic_publish_48px.png in ../tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/.In ../tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/...

sakshik by Star Contributor
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Start workflow from site document library or data list

Hello!Alfresco Community Edition (fresh)Try to start workflow from site documentlibrary or from site data-list and can`t do this. Whats wrong?Go to site -> doclib (or data-list) -> click do some doc -> try to start new workflow ->see page for startin...

djarty by Star Contributor
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Choose alfresco-global*.properties on dev.

Hi, On Alfresco SDK 3 there are some defaults alfresco-global*.properties on artifact (.\src\test\properties\local)Nice ! What's the best practice to choose this file on startup (tomcat Embedded with run.bat) ?There are some maven profil to choose th...

gawel by Confirmed Champ
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Permissão para aprovar um fluxo de trabalho

Bom dia,Estou setando as permissões para alguns grupos em uma pasta, pois não gostaria que esta pasta permitisse alterações aos documentos, onde é necessário através de uma regra, voltar o documento para a pasta de alteração.Qual seria a permissão qu...

Resolved! Access uploaded content in a ServiceTask?

Hi all,I need some advice because I'm messing around with a requirement without getting any solution. All I wanna do is to access some previous uploaded files (in a User Task, from the upload form field) in a downstream ServiceTask. For me it looks l...

How can i generate report?

Hi,I am using activiti in my spring web application. i register students data every data. I would like to generate a report which contains one month data of registration. How can i generate?

vamsinipun by Star Contributor
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