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How can i generate report?

Hi,I am using activiti in my spring web application. i register students data every data. I would like to generate a report which contains one month data of registration. How can i generate?

vamsinipun by Star Contributor
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Upload file with special character

In alfresco I've got problème to upload certain file when they have special characers.Some file withn "éèô" can't be uploaded. Just replacing the accentuated chars with unaccentuated char fix the problem.The error that appears in the log is the follo...

How to handle or avoid an optimistic locking exception

I have an interesting scenario using 5.21 (moving to 5.22 and perhaps 6 soon) where I'm getting an ActivitiOptimisticLockingException. I'd like to figure out the best way to handle it or avoid it entirely.I have a process that has a user task that on...

schmke by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! Hi, i have a problem in assigning permissions to files

Hello, I am using a review and approve workflow , but i am facing a problem.When i attach a file on the flow from a folder that the second user doesn't have access,then the second user can not see the attached file.Can somebody help me, Thanks in adv...

klotilda by Champ on-the-rise
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