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Not able to achieve hot reloading in alfresco sdk 3.0

I am trying to achieve hot reloading by following this Using HotSwapAgent | Alfresco Documentation link.After completing all steps when I am making changes in sample webscript java file it is giving following error and changes are not getting reflect...

Resolved! Change repository URL in maven Share project

Hi All,I am currently using Alfresco share project created with mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=org.alfresco:I am using SDK 3.0.1 My repository/solar4/database server is running on different machine. Is there any way to configure/force Share project ...

sipapp by Champ in-the-making
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How can I install multiple repositories?

Is there a way to have a single Alfresco ECM server (Community or Alf One) with multiple repositories?  I'm interested in hosting different user groups with one server but physically separate databases and filestores.  I'm looking for more than diffe...

Timer fired,but ActivitiEventListener not work

I have two task.First,Task_1 complete and Task_2 started.Task_2 have a boundary Event.Like this:<boundaryEvent id="boundarytimer" name="Timer" attachedToRef="task2" cancelActivity="true">    <timerEventDefinition>    <timeDuration>PT1M</timeDuration>...

xukai8817 by Champ in-the-making
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