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How can I install multiple repositories?

Is there a way to have a single Alfresco ECM server (Community or Alf One) with multiple repositories?  I'm interested in hosting different user groups with one server but physically separate databases and filestores.  I'm looking for more than diffe...

Timer fired,but ActivitiEventListener not work

I have two task.First,Task_1 complete and Task_2 started.Task_2 have a boundary Event.Like this:<boundaryEvent id="boundarytimer" name="Timer" attachedToRef="task2" cancelActivity="true">    <timerEventDefinition>    <timeDuration>PT1M</timeDuration>...

xukai8817 by Champ in-the-making
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angular 4 form

Morning. I don't see this information anywhere in google, but if I want to use Angular 4 form UI template with my Activiti 6 workflow, how do I make those connections? I have my workflow and I know Angular, but I don't see where I can make the connec...

rjazmin by Champ in-the-making
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select with latest modification date

Hello AllI have a similar document type stored in couple of folders. I would like select the most recent one using CMIS queries.Is there a way to accomplish that?ThanksKrzysztof

longinus by Champ in-the-making
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Getting same results when i assigned tasks differently

Hi,   I am using activiti in my spring web application. Here I assigned task to particular group not to candidate user. Now, i need to display candidate user tasks and groups tasks individually. But both are coming with same tasks.taskService.createT...

vamsinipun by Star Contributor
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