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Resolved! Debug Menu disappears - tomcat embedded

Hi,I'm facing a mysterious issue, i have done lot of changes on my alfresco project (sdk 3) :- add theme- custom header- remove header component- custom login- hide footer- etc...and i have used Toggle Developer View in debug menuBut now, i don't hav...

No Index after Backup and Restore

I set up a development server to experiment with Alfresco Community Edition.  Everything seems to be working well so I have begun experimenting with being able to backup and restore the system to another machine.  This seems to work well with one exc...

Auto delete older documents

Hello everybodyFor security reasons I need to auto-delete older documents of a specific "Site".What is the best way to do it? I found "scheduled job" documention but I'm not sure to well understand how to use it.Thanks a lotMy version : Community 5.2...

mat34 by Champ on-the-rise
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REST Request

Hellowhen i try to get user form this link using rest api 'http://localhost:8080/activiti-app/app/rest/admin/users 'i have the msg {"message":null,"messageKey":"GENERAL.ERROR.FORBIDDEN"}and from the activiti-app i have that (no users)

Problem with translation-part 2

Hello everyone,This is a "part 2" of a previous question I had with problems in translation, Problem with translation.There seems to be a conflict of some sort when use the "alfresco-el" and the "share-el" translation files together.If I only use the...

akafortes by Confirmed Champ
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Setting up email notifications through Gmail

I am trying to setup email notifications through a gmail account and getting ###ERROR [org.alfresco.repo.action.executer.MailActionExecuter] [mailAsyncAction1] Failed to send email to [CMDbuild] : org.springframework.mail.MailSendException: Mail serv...

tveinot by Champ on-the-rise
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Resolved! When I am trying to create a process instance by passing some variables, where a variable is an array of JSON - I am getting an exception saying that "couldn't find a variable type that is able to serialize" . Any suggestions on this please ?

while creating a process instacne using runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByID(processDefinitionID,processVariableMap) where one of the variable in the map is like below[{"taskTitle":"Fund Manager Review","FundName":"BlueChip Fund"}]I am getting an ...

Remove elements from Dashboard

Hi,i'm using sdk 3 and i would like to remove logo and title form site dashboard :this is what i try :web-extension/site-data/extension :and this is what i have commented :without succes...Thx