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Alfresco Community as BI Platform

Has anyone tried to use Alfresco community as a BI Microsoft platform? Actually, what I need, is to be used as a repository for excel files (.xlsx) with graphs and other databases datasources!ThanksManos

mthermos by Champ in-the-making
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error when trying to edit file using google Docs

#Hello,I have installed alfresco on Linux machine using alfresco-community-installer-201707-linux-x64.bin file.I have uploaded a file "test.docx". When trying to edit it with Google Docs and after allowing access to my Gmail account, I got the follow...

tihal by Champ in-the-making
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management of sending emai to user

Hi, I need to send through Alfresco an email to a user of a certain site every time a user is created or deleted from the same site, you can do it with Share?

dpmar by Champ in-the-making
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Problem in running CMIS Workbench console to shell script

Hi,   Im done with my code using CMIS GroovyConsole, how to make it into shell script? so that it can be executed automatically?When I've tried to make it into an executable batch file it prompts an error. Is it correct? or is there anther way ?

cyrose22 by Star Contributor
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Doc preview in alfresco

If i have a big document -.doc or .pdf file with 200 or more pages ,Once the upload is done - how soon can i see the image preview for the doc,pdf.a) Is it possible to get the image preview in 1 seconds.b) Or is it possible to get the image preview g...

ranjeetsi by Star Contributor
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Resolved! Single file drag-and-drop upload, appears twice

We are getting reports from our users (and seem to be able to confirm them) that users are using the "Drag-and-Drop" feature in a subfolder off of a Site's Document Library.  When they drag the single file up, the file then appears twice.  Once with ...