Resolved! Alfresco Cluster
Hi,I want to setup Alfresco Cluster for Alfresco Community 5.2.0, in the AWS environment. Currently I am having single instance of Alfresco in AWS. Can you please provide me some guidelines in this?Regards,Shankha
Hi,I want to setup Alfresco Cluster for Alfresco Community 5.2.0, in the AWS environment. Currently I am having single instance of Alfresco in AWS. Can you please provide me some guidelines in this?Regards,Shankha
My OS in running on Windows 7 32 bit. Is there a Alfresco Community Edition which can run on a 32 bit Windows OS.
Hi All, Is there a possible way to have a scheduler using the CMIS WOKRBENCH? or what app can yourecommend to run the workbench daily? Is it possible?Thanks
ADAMO stands for Alfresco DAta MOdel. This application was set up to allow a userÂfriendly creation of Alfresco custom models. The ADAMO frontÂend has been developed using Spring Surf.Ownerfranco_valente _VersionsCommunity 3.3.xCommunity 3.4.xEnte...
One of the lacks of Alfresco Workflows is that there's no possibility to allow workflow start and execution based on specified users or groups. This simple extension allow this kind of control throw the global config file share-config-custom.xmlOwner...
With this simple extension you can view your completed tasks by selecting the appropriated filter in the "My tasks" dashlet.Ownerfranco_valente _VersionsCommunity 3.3.xCommunity 3.4.xEnterprise 3.3.xEnterprise 3.4.xLicense TypeApacheProject PageGoog...
Fred is the Alfresco Certified desktop client. FRED makes ECM SIMPLE, SMART and SWIFTFred provides a smooth integration of Alfresco ECM with the working environment of your end-user. Y...
How it works:create FTL which will be executed agains Alfresco repository that will produce XML data-sourcecreate Jasper report using iReport and place it on repositoryuse Server-side alfresco javascript to execute FTL and execute alfresco-jasper-rep...
This property control gets stored JSON string inside text property and displays JSON object in yui's datatable wiget. On every change of datatable content, control logic updates JSON string and that is saved on document upon meta-data Save.It's got r...
RAAr is an abstraction layer for remote communication with Alfresco ECM. RAAr provides a simple, Java-based local library that may be used by one or more content rich applications and allows these applications to interface to Alfresco (including mult...
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