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Number of process's execution

Hi , I need to stop a process that has done for three times After that it doesn't run again and show an error or something like that Is there a way to do something like that ?Thanks , Roxanne

Resolved! Files in alf_data/contentstore are not deleted

Hi,I just clean up my system to delete whole files (3 years old collections of documents) from the front-end manuallyThen also delete it from the trash bin.But when I checked into alf_data/contentstore, those files are still there and occupy disk spa...

billydekid by Star Contributor
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Alfresco Solr4 Folder Title İndexing

Hello,Everyone.when I search for the title of a file in alfresco, the title is not found because solr does not index the title of the file.I want to find the title of the file from the search box.Do you have any information on this?

suayb58 by Champ on-the-rise
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Alfresco Rest Api Change Folder Title

Hello everyone.i want to change the title information of a folder in alfresco using rest api.But I could not find it in the alfresco rest document.Do you have any information on this?

suayb58 by Champ on-the-rise
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Alfresco Login Page İnput Character İncrease Limit

Hello Everyone.I want to increase the character limit of the login page the field  that password and the username entered in .For example, I want to enter a password of 255 characters in the password field.How can I do this?

suayb58 by Champ on-the-rise
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Resolved! About OpenOffice

Dear FriendsPlease, Can You help me, Can I use Alfresco's built-in OpenOffice API in Alfresco REST API for convert documents to pdf, or add data to template document, etc.Thank You in advance

dadamia by Champ on-the-rise
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Connect External Databse

I am trying to connect external database from alfresco to get constraint like below way.<bean id="DataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">       <property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbcDriver}" />       <...

sp2 by Elite Collaborator
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