Resolved! About OpenOffice
Dear FriendsPlease, Can You help me, Can I use Alfresco's built-in OpenOffice API in Alfresco REST API for convert documents to pdf, or add data to template document, etc.Thank You in advance
Dear FriendsPlease, Can You help me, Can I use Alfresco's built-in OpenOffice API in Alfresco REST API for convert documents to pdf, or add data to template document, etc.Thank You in advance
Hello,I have a form in which I want to have number field and that should be auto increment. Is there any way to achieve this ?Thanks & Regards,Shilpa V Kulkarni
I am trying to connect external database from alfresco to get constraint like below way.<bean id="DataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbcDriver}" /> <...
Is there a way to access older versions of a document via Alfresco share?I don't see any option at the minute to access older versions.
I want to query old version document by search service. I have used store ref as "workspace://version2Store" in alfresco webscript. But it not working. By default , we can search latest document using fts-alfresco which is available in spacesstore. T...
Hello, Alfresco community,I have a problem and i can't solved it without help.I have no preview or thumbnails (both) in alfresco share 5.1 enterprise. But the libreoffice is installed and at the lauching of the, i have a positive m...
I have created a two level folder structure. A folder on the second level has a rule that sets the file type, and an aspect that creates some smart folders and adds/sets some properties on files when they are moved into the folder (very similar to th...
Hello,Everyone.i downloaded alfresco source code.i want to customise alfresco authenticatiton.I'm looking for the part validated of the user's credentials.but i don't found this.How can I find name of class that user credantials are verified in sour...
I have create one job which is creating folder structure with inheritance permission false.Now if i am searching with lucene query from other user who do not have permission on folder, lucene return result with all node even if do not have permissio...
Hi All,We have been facing severe permission issues lately. Anyone who is not in group ALFRESCO_ADMINISTRATORS, is not able to access many folders inside alfresco despite having write permissions to that folder. The user is not able to see the logo o...
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