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Alfresco Content/Process App Module/extension mechanism

I have created the following issue for the Alfresco Content App (ACA):Module/extension mechanism · Issue #179 · Alfresco/alfresco-content-app · GitHub Following is the initial detail, let's use this page on the community to discuss our needs in this ...

Resolved! how to sync aps(users) with keycloak?

I am using the aps 1.9. i have integrated aps with keycloak. i am able to log in only if  user is available in both aps and keycloak. so, how to sync aps(users) with keycloak?

shadyuser by Champ on-the-rise
  • 15 replies
  • 2 kudos

Concurrent consumer trying to update execution record

Having issue with concurrent consumers.JavaDelegate sending message to another application with execution id Listener getting message back from another application and execution id not foundLooks like message coming very quicklyIs there any way we ca...


Hi ,I need some helpI want to define a Variable that every time that one process is done , it pluses by one.For example if i done the task for three time the variable become 3 .is there a way to do something like that ?Thanks ,Roxanne

NullPointerException on TimerBoundaryEvent trigger

Hi, We recently upgraded from Activiti 5.18 to 6.0.0.We had a requirement to capture Activiti history only for certain workflow types. As per the suggestion from Activiti team, we had overridden the org.activiti.engine.impl.history.DefaultHistoryMana...

How to trigger Start signal event using REST-API

Hi all,I am starting a process through start signal event and I have followed the following way:I am using this API http://localhost:8080/activiti-app/api/runtime/signals Post Method along with the  body {  "signalName":"StartSignal" }I have referred...

abdulquazi by Champ in-the-making
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

MySQL General Query log filled with alf_transaction queries

I turned on MySQL general logging to watch the logs when I poke around Alfresco.  I am finding that the log is filled with queries such as the following:   17 Query select                as id,            txn.version         as versio...

dkeidel by Champ in-the-making
  • 3 replies
  • 0 kudos

Resolved! Cleaning contentstore

I have cleaned contentstore, which was about 2 GB, from user files via scriptvar docs = search.luceneSearch("PATH:\"/app:company_home/cm:main//*\" AND TYPE:\"doc:somecontent\"");var i; for (i=0; i<docs.length; i++) { docs[i].remove(); }//foldersvar d...

Bring Decision table in ADF

We have implemented workflow in APS which uses decision table. User wants to manage this decision table by changing this condition.Our users are using ADF. Is there a way to bring APS decision table to ADF?